Ilustrazioa eta euskal literatura



Argitaratua 2008-04-15
Iñaki Aldekoa Beitia


This article deals with the influence of the Enlightenment on Basque literature. I have approached the issue putting together different research perspectives from the history of ideas to the comparative and intertextual one. I have revisited some textual production of the second half of the XVIII century and the first quarter of the XIX, focusing my interest on its historical dimension, mainly in the institutional, political, intellectual and moral sense of such textual production. And its development throughout the dialectic between ancien régime / modernity. Finally, I raise a few questions about the historiography of  Basque literature to be solved. Peñaflorida and «Caballeritos of Azcoitia», Manuel Larramendi and Juan Antonio Moguel are some of the major authors who have an important protagonism in this article.

Nola aipatu

Aldekoa Beitia, Iñaki. 2008. «Ilustrazioa Eta Euskal Literatura». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 42 (2):211-35.
Abstract 918 | PDF Downloads 611

