El habla vizcaína en el teatro de Lope de Vega



Argitaratua 1993-03-30
M.ª Azucena Penas


The meaning of the word vizcaíno/a "bizcayan" at Lope de Vega's time subsumed the terms vizcaíno, guipuzcoano and alavés. It was in Torres Naharro's theater that the vizcaíno was first introduced, but still as a generic prototype. In fact, in Lope de Rueda's work this term had finally acquired its specific meaning: as an individual character, as a comic character who stood out by his particular way of speaking.
   The speech of the vizcaíno is collected by Golden Age authors of the importance of that of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Vélez de Guevara, Tirso de Molina or Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.
   This work attempts to show the inaccuracy of Santos Dominguez' claim in Las hablas marginales en la literatura española, which states that even though Lope did not forget the vizcaíno, he does not include the latter in his comedies. This statement is supported by one piece of data dound in El castigo sin venganza. In order to substantiate the alternative claim defended in this work, an exhaustive analysis of the linguistic characterization of the deviant forms typical of this speech has been carried out. Subsequently this characterization is applied to the corpus of data under study.

Nola aipatu

Penas, M.ª Azucena. 1993. «El Habla vizcaína En El Teatro De Lope De Vega». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 27 (3):815-20. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.8379.
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