Notas de fonética histórica y toponimia. 1. sobre cronología de los cambios fonéticos



Argitaratua 1996-04-02
Matías Múgica


The author of the paper examines the two traditions existing for Navarrese place names: the Basque one and the Romance one, in order to get some information about Basque historical phonetic evolution, especially about relative chronology of certain Basque consonantal changes.
   His leading idea is that the degree of acceptation of Basque phonetic changes into the romance tradition of place names must depend on the age of these changes.
   According to this criterion he establishes this order: 1. Lost of initial stops. 2. Voicing of stops after sonorants. 3. -n- > Ø before -i. 4. -r(t)z > -s(t)-. 5. -l- > -r-. 6 -n- > Ø. 7. -*N- > -n-, -*L- > -l-.

Nola aipatu

Múgica, Matías. 1996. «Notas De fonética histórica Y Toponimia. 1. Sobre cronología De Los Cambios fonéticos». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 30 (1):219-38.
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