Pronus singulis diebus Dominicis clarè & distinctè immediatè post Evangelium populo legendus



Argitaratua 1998-04-02
Pello Agirre


Pronus singulibus diebus... is one of the oldest texts in Souletin dialect. It was printed for the second time in 1874. In the present article, after some historical notes, we identify one of the text sources: the second part was taken from the Pregari(o)ac by Bishop d'Olce, with a few changes, mainly to accommodate the original (published in two different versions: Southern Navarresse and Labourdin) to the Souletin dialect. The paper devotes a section to a detailed description of spelling considerations. The edition which is included is based on the unicum from the first edition, kept at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
   This is an anonymous text, and in the paper we develop the hypothesis that Athanase Belapeire, author of the Souletin catechism in 1696 (Catechima Laburra) may be the author of the Pronus. This idea springs from the prologue to the catechism, in which Belapeire mentions having written a pronus for the priests in Zuberoa a considerable time before. In our approach to the question of authorship, a detailed comparison of the spelling and lexicon in both works has been carried out. As a result we have found peculiar features which relate the two texts to each other amongst the whole of contemporary works.

Nola aipatu

Agirre, Pello. 1998. «Pronus Singulis Diebus Dominicis Clarè & Distinctè Immediatè Post Evangelium Populo Legendus». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 32 (1):1-46.
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