The application of speech synthesis and speech recognition techniques in dialectal studies
María-Pilar Perea
Speech analysis techniques open new perspectives in the processing of dialectal oral data. Speech synthesis can be useful to create or recreate voices of speakers for extinct languages, to re-edit dialectal material using new technologies or to reconstruct utterances of informants that only were registered in notebooks. Speech recognition, applied to sound dialectal sequences, can make easier automatic transcription of oral texts. In this paper the possibilities of speech analysis techniques in their application to the dialectal studies is described. The presentation is illustrated with the results obtained in different projects.
Nola aipatu
Perea, María-Pilar. 2010. «The Application of Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition Techniques in Dialectal Studies». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", otsailak, 131-50.
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