An unprinted doctrine of the 18th century: Presentation and edition



Published 04-03-2021
Urtzi Reguero-Ugarte


The main aim of this study is to present a critical edition of a doctrine written in High-Navarrese dialect at the end of the 18th century. This text has been recently discovered in the library of the Basque Parliament. This paper will highlight the importance that this text can have to Basque dialectology, and will outline the principal characteristics of the manuscript such as its size, its source and the aproximate date of its translation. In addition, some dialectal characteristics are presented to show that the text was composed in the Basque variety of Leitza and that the identity of the writer could be traced to Tiburtzio Sagastibeltza. Finally, a critical edition is offered with palaeographic and explanatory notes to help to understand the main text.

How to Cite

Reguero-Ugarte, Urtzi. 2021. “An Unprinted Doctrine of the 18th Century: Presentation and Edition”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 53 (1/2):225-359.
Abstract 246 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 203


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