Diachronic development of the /RT/ consonant group and the Roncalese evidence: revising some framework(s)



Published 18-10-2023
Leyre Rojo Horrillo


In this article, we will analyze the opposition of occlusives posterior to n-/l- that have been debated in the history of Basque. Until recently, it was argued that the voiced stop is the oldest sound after the lateral and the nasal, as found in Roncalese and Souletin. Mitxelena (1961), however, argued the opposite clearly and concisely. We will prove this, together with the grammaticalization and “Trask’s law”, through 17th-century letters by Gabriet Etxart and Miguel Ros. Thus, we will show that the evolution of occlusives was morphological at some point. Then, we will explain in detail how it was phonologically disseminated and how it spread from its old legacy to borrowings. In order to do so, it is essential to bear in mind both sociolinguistic conditions and differences we have found in the corpus.

How to Cite

Rojo Horrillo, Leyre. 2023. “Diachronic Development of the /RT/ Consonant Group and the Roncalese Evidence: Revising Some framework(s)”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 56 (2):143-67. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.24107.
Abstract 389 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 184



Roncalese, Basque dialects, Diachronic dialectology, Miguel Ros, Basque from Erronkari, posterior occlusives of n-/l-

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