The Semantics and Pragmatics of Some Scalar Expressions in Spanish



Published 15-04-2008
Utpal Lahiri


This article provides a basic description of a variety of scalar additive particles (SAPs) in Spanish that roughly translate into English as even. Following Giannakidou's 2007 description and analysis of similar items in Greek, I call the three classes of expressions the 'positive', the 'negative' and 'concessive' scalar expressions. Positive SAPs in Spanish include incluso and hasta; negative SAPs include ni, ni siquiera, siquiera; though the bare siquiera (without the ni) can also double as a concessive SAP. The expression aunque sea is argued to be the Spanish 'concessive' SAP par excellence. I describe and discuss the distribution of each one of these classes of expressions in the context of two major approaches to the study of these expressions, viz., the scope theory of even and the lexical ambiguity theory of even. I discuss problems with both, noting that lexical ambiguity is not necessarily incompatible with these SAPs also being scope taking elements.

How to Cite

Lahiri, Utpal. 2008. “The Semantics and Pragmatics of Some Scalar Expressions in Spanish”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 42 (2):359-89.
Abstract 274 | PDF Downloads 1183

