Arrasateko testu zahar bi



Published 02-04-1992
Arantzazu Ozaeta


On this paper we publish and comment two texts from Mondragon wich were written at the end of XVIIth century and beginning of XVIIIth. The first one (1682), previously published by I. Sarasola receives a new treatment; and the second one (1705) unpublished till now is a brief proclamation against deserters and Gypsies of the time of the War of Spanish Succession and presents some interesting linguistic innovations.

How to Cite

Ozaeta, Arantzazu. 1992. “Arrasateko Testu Zahar Bi”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 26 (3):793-800.
Abstract 167 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 224

