Izenak sortzeko atzizkiak eta literatur hizkuntzaren historia: Ubillosen dotrina eta Lubieta eta Pomier hiztegiak / Suffixes to create names and the history of the literary language: The doctrine of Ubillos and the dictionaries of Lubieta and Pomier
The aim here has been to examine the influence of the development of 18th-century literary Gipuzkoan on the derivation of names —in particular, on the names of authors and workers as well as abstract names— and bearing in mind the milestone established by Larramendi’s DT (1745). His previous and subsequent works have been analysed for this purpose: the long-known doctrine of Ubillos (1785), and the recently discovered Pomier dictionary and that of Lubieta (1728). Derivation in general has been taken into account, but special attention has been paid to the suffixes -tasun, -keria, -(t)ari, -tzaile / -le and -gile / -gin. In the edition of Gómez-López and Zulaika (2020), that of Pomier was dated before 1745, but both this and the opposite hypothesis —whether it is between 1745 and 1808— have been analysed at the end, in line with the notes made by Lakarra (2022).
Cómo citar
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