Nerbioi goieneko euskararako material gehiago: XVII. mende amaierako Urduñako berba zerrenda bat



Publicado 06-06-2011
Ander Ros


Here is presented a small unpublished vocabulary of the late XVIIth century, composed of 64 words of a variety of languages already lost by the mid-nineteenth century, of which there was minimal amount of data. The text is composed by the letters A and B of an attempt of a small dictionary that remained unfinished, written in the blank pages of an Accountancy Book of the city of Orduña. The context of the findings is analyzed, and evidence shows the existence and disappearance of another two sheets that could contain more material. Despite having done different inquiries, it has not been possible to identify
the author of the list of words.
   The data is edited and studied in regards to other literature, especially the Dictionarium linguae cantabricae by Nicolas Landuchio, which precedes a century, and was composed
in a city, Vitoria, not too far away and with a slightly comparable sociolinguistic context. The analysis discovers that, despite the simplicity of the sample, it gives important insight for the knowledge of the vocabulary, and language in that period and area. Certain variants previously not tested are shown, neither in its form nor in it sense, and it delays the dating of few others belatedly documented.

Cómo citar

Ros, Ander. 2011. «Nerbioi Goieneko Euskararako Material Gehiago: XVII. Mende Amaierako Urduñako Berba Zerrenda Bat». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 45 (1):387-402.
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