No. 61 (2019): Welfare and Mutualism in Contemporary Europe: Studies on Spain and Italy
Welfare and Mutualism in Contemporary Europe: Studies on Spain and Italy
Abstract 219 | PDF (Español) Downloads 351 XML (Español) Downloads 92 | DOI
Page 763-773
Social Policies and Doctrinal Confluences in Spain and Italy (1938-1944/47)
Abstract 347 | PDF (Español) Downloads 528 XML (Español) Downloads 98 | DOI
Page 775-796
Catalan Mutualism: Constructing Social Citizenship from the Bottom Up
Abstract 517 | PDF (Español) Downloads 681 XML (Español) Downloads 111 | DOI
Page 797-833
War and the Welfare State: The Case of Italy, from WWI to Fascism
Abstract 1729 | PDF Downloads 851 XML Downloads 167 | DOI
Page 835-872
Total war and social reform: Administrating work, population and life in the «Rava Committee» plan (1918)
Abstract 226 | PDF Downloads 425 XML Downloads 216 | DOI
Page 873-906
Social Policies in Italian Fascism. Authoritarian Strategies and Social Integration
Abstract 3822 | PDF Downloads 2041 XML Downloads 159 | DOI
Page 907-932
The SEAT 600, A Social Symbol of Spains´s Developmentalism
Abstract 1225 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1550 XML (Español) Downloads 133 | DOI
Page 935-969
The Autumn of Prague. Czechoslovakia and the Orthodox Dissidence in Spanish Communism (1968-1989)
Abstract 757 | PDF (Español) Downloads 773 XML (Español) Downloads 153 | DOI
Page 971-1003
Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo and the Battle for Television (1981-1982)
Abstract 354 | PDF (Español) Downloads 486 XML (Español) Downloads 97 | DOI
Page 1005-1037
Parallel Deaths. A Case Study on the Violence of ETA and the Nationalization of Immigrants in the Basque Country
Abstract 493 | PDF (Español) Downloads 2050 XML (Español) Downloads 281 | DOI
Page 1039-1070
SANTOS Y GANGES, Luis, La Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre y la industria de los billetes de banco. Historia de la Fábrica de Papel de Burgos, Editorial Dossoles, Burgos, 2018, 597 pp.
Abstract 214 | PDF (Español) Downloads 255 XML (Español) Downloads 73 | DOI
Page 1073-1075
PIÉROLA NARVARTE, Gemma, Mujer e ideología en la dictadura franquista. Navarra (1939-1960), Pamiela, Arre, 2018, 349 pp.
Abstract 225 | PDF (Español) Downloads 350 XML (Español) Downloads 72 | DOI
Page 1076-1077
ROSANVALLON, Pierre, Notre histoire intellectuelle et politique 1968-2018, Seuil, Paris, 2018, 430 pp.
Abstract 206 | PDF (Español) Downloads 243 XML (Español) Downloads 80 | DOI
Page 1078-1080
DE LA CUEVA, Julio, HERNANDO DE LARRAMENDI, Miguel y PLANET, Ana I. (eds.), Encrucijadas del cambio religioso en España. Secularización, cristianismo e islam, Comares, Granada, 2018, 248 pp.
Abstract 203 | PDF (Español) Downloads 268 XML (Español) Downloads 73 | DOI
Page 1081-1083
MOSES, Julia, The First Modern Risk. Workplace Accidents and the Origins of European Social States, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018, 319 pp.
Abstract 191 | PDF (Español) Downloads 220 XML (Español) Downloads 69 | DOI
Page 1084-1086
CALVO CABALLERO, Pilar, Beneficencia y ciudad. La Casa de Beneficencia de Valladolid (1818-2018), Editorial Maxtor, Valladolid, 2018, 406 pp.
Abstract 182 | PDF (Español) Downloads 214 XML (Español) Downloads 75 | DOI
Page 1087-1088
IPIÑA BIDAURRAZAGA, Aritz, Represión y terror franquista en la Diputación de Bizkaia: fusilamientos y depuración (1936-1937), Pamiela, Pamplona, 2018, 333 pp.
Abstract 211 | PDF (Español) Downloads 305 XML (Español) Downloads 74 | DOI
Page 1089-1091
IBARZABAL, Eugenio Juan Ajuriagerra. El Hermano Mayor, Ed. Erein, Donostia-San Sebastián, 2019, 430 pp
Abstract 167 | PDF (Español) Downloads 210 XML (Español) Downloads 56 | DOI
Page 1092-1094