Significado histórico y actualidad de las políticas de reducción del tiempo de trabajo



Published 15-07-2016
Mikel de la Fuente Lavín Jon Bernat Zubiri Rey


In this article we will point some elements about the historical significance and currently of working-time reduction (WTR), in a context of economic growth being less and less able to generate employments and the consequent structural unemployment. We will focus, as well, on the part-time work, a cause of duality opposed to the generalized WTR. At the end, we will analyze some questions, difficulties and advantages of the WTR politics. Our explanation arguments about the need of a generalized WTR without any wage cuts. This way should allow workers to recover the part of revenues has been appropriated by entrepreneurial profits in the last decades. The relevant, equitable and redistributive WTR is an alternative to the share of work by the development of part-time employment, being in Spanish and Basque cases mostly involuntary and perpetuating against women the sexual division of the work.

How to Cite

de la Fuente Lavín, M., & Bernat Zubiri Rey, J. (2016). Significado histórico y actualidad de las políticas de reducción del tiempo de trabajo. Lan Harremanak, (34).
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