La reforma negociada del sistema de Seguridad Social



Published 23-04-2012
José Luis Monereo Pérez


The Pensions Agreement signed in April 2001 by the Government, the Comisiones Obreras Union (CC.OO), the Confederación de Organizaciones Empresariales (COE) and the Confederación Española de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (CEPYME), is part of a process of gradual reform which, since the Toledo Pact in 1995, has followed a constant path tending towards a Security Social minimums, inspired by the attempt to control expenditure and by the partial transfer to the market of pension funds. A growing individualist tendency in the contribution level is accompanied by an increased providing of welfare by the public system, along the lines of a reorganisation of the model of social protection, the exact outlines of which have not yet been defined. The legitimisation and social acceptance of these measures have been explicitly sought by means of the participation of the «social partners».

How to Cite

Monereo Pérez, J. L. (2012). La reforma negociada del sistema de Seguridad Social. Lan Harremanak, (5).
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