Lan denboraren murrizketa Frantzian: Zenbait iruzkin "Aubry Legea"-ri



Published 05-10-2012
Mikel de la Fuente


In orden to develop a ferst-rate roll in the improvement of the employee condition and be a combat instrument against the massive unemployment, the reduction of work time has to carry out certain exigencies. It has to be generalizeable to all the employee population, it has to be trusque, not to be the compensation of wages concessiong or of a flexibility work organisation that would damage the interest of the employees in their free time right. The French Law about 35 hours does not carry out enough theese requirements, that is why it is not helping the development of an important employment with rights-quality. So it has frustrated a good part from the expectiatives that were entrusted in the dective promise of the present governmental majority. The new law, that will be promulgated ind the 2nd semester of 1999, as a complement of the first one is the opportunity for the rectification of the deficiencies of the first one.

How to Cite

de la Fuente, M. (2012). Lan denboraren murrizketa Frantzian: Zenbait iruzkin "Aubry Legea"-ri. Lan Harremanak, (1).
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