Tantak magazine was born on the initiative of a group of professors from the University Schools of Teachers of the University of the Basque Country and the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, with the collaboration of the Vice-Rectorate of Euskera of the UPV/EHU. The main challenge was, on the one hand, to launch a publication of an academic and scientific nature, which would allow us to deepen our reflection on the field of education; on the other hand, it sought to respond to a growing demand among educational experts, both within and outside the UPV-EHU, to carry out educational science in Basque.
Journal Vision and Politics
It is an interdisciplinary publication on scientific and academic education aimed at the exchange of ideas and works in this field. It is aimed at experts, researchers, members of the educational community, institutional planning and postgraduate and graduate students.
The drops are published in accordance with the rules of indexation, presenting summaries (abstract) and keywords (keywords) in Basque, English, Spanish and French and accepting articles in Basque.
The work sent by Tan should address issues related to education and teaching, especially projects, research and innovative experiences. Academic and scientific considerations in the field of education are also permitted.
Education Psychology; Childhood; Education; Didactic; Teachers; Educational Psychology; Evolutionary Psychology; Teaching; Scientific Literacy; Scientific Practices; Indagation; Critical Thinking; Conceptual Change; Pedagogy; Educational Theories; Vocational Training; ICTs; Research Methodology; Literature; Language Didactic; Foreign Language; Inclusion; Equality; Didactic; Educational Innovation; School Organization; Social Education; Education; Education; Education; Education; Education; Education; Education; Education
Acceptance or denial of articles
The approval of the articles is the responsibility of the Editorial Committee of Tantak Magazine. First, the Drafting Committee shall examine compliance with the basic conditions and then appoint two external evaluators to judge the article blindly.
The Drafting Committee is responsible for publishing and/or rejecting the work, taking into account the evaluation reports of the work. However, the Drafting Committee may reject the work directly without initiating the expert evaluation process if it considers it inappropriate, either because of its low quality, or because it does not conform to the nature of the journal, or because of evidence of fraud, etc.
All articles to be published shall have a language hairstyle, which shall be the responsibility of the language technician of the journal.
Double-blind Peer Review
The authors automatically receive through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform that the magazine has received its work.
Upon receipt and examination of the article by the publishing group, the authors are informed:
(1) Changes in format prior to the submission of the work to evaluators, provided that they are superficial.
2) if it does not conform to the thematic line of the journal or the necessary adaptations are considered important, it will not be published.
If the work is to be evaluated, the editorial team sends the evaluation protocol and evaluation work to the evaluators through the journal's management platform and is evaluated in double-blind peer review form. In other words, the summary, the body of the article and the evaluation criteria are sent to the evaluators, eliminating the identity of the authors and any other data relating thereto. Throughout the process, the anonymity of authors and evaluators is guaranteed.
When there is a discrepancy between the evaluations provided by the evaluators, a third evaluation is carried out. The evaluators must be confidential, impartial, honest and respectful.
The final approval of the article shall be made after the author has made changes, improvements and corrections and has responded to the observations of the evaluators.
Finally, the publisher sends, within a maximum of 15 days, through the OJS platform, the certificates of the evaluators, without mentioning their identification, or any other data that allows it.
Plagiarism and anti-plagiarism
The authors will explicitly collect data, images and information. If non-compliance is detected at the first stage of evaluation, the shipment will automatically be dismissed and will therefore not be transferred to the peer evaluation phase. If detected after publication, the corresponding retraction note shall be made.
The editorial team has the following anti-plagiarism tool:
Open acces politicy
Tantak is an Open Access publication that spreads content free of charge to promote the exchange of global knowledge. Nor does it apply a fee for processing articles (APCs), i.e. it is free of charge to the authors. It does not apply fees or registration obligations to subscribers to that journal. Published works are identified as
Copyright Policy © and CC BY-NC-ND
Tantak retains the property rights (copyright) of the published works, and with the use license indicated under this heading facilitates and enables their reuse.
The works are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Derivative Works License 4.0 Spain (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0): they can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and displayed to the public if:

Reference to the authorship and original source of the publication (magazine, publisher and URL of the work)
Don't use it for commercial purposes.
Mention the existence and specificities of this use licence.
Ethical policy
The authors of the manuscripts guarantee that the work presented is original, and that they have no summary of other authors, nor any other written works previously published (published by the authors themselves). On the other hand, the authors affirm the veracity of the data.
As to the authorship of the work, the authors ensure that they are hierarchically organized according to the degree of responsibility and functions of each.
All authors accept the responsibility of the author by accepting and signing the document of assignment of rights and commitments.
The revisors undertake to make a critical, honest and objective review of the scientific aspect of the manuscript and the literary quality of the work, based on the Manuscript Evaluation Protocol.
They also undertake to evaluate the work within the time limits established by the publishing group, in accordance with the deadlines laid down in our editorial policy, and to accept the evaluation if the assigned persons are able to evaluate the work and there is no conflict of interest with the assigned manuscript.
The revisors shall submit a comprehensive and critical report with appropriate references in accordance with the Review Protocol and the common rules established for the revisers, especially in the event of a recommendation to exclude the work. They are also obliged to advise publishers if there are previously published articles or if they are reviewed by another publication.
Editors and Tantak's editorial team undertake to maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts, authors and revisors so that anonymity retains the intellectual integrity of the entire process.
It is the responsibility of the publishers to meet the deadlines for the review and publication of the approved works in order to ensure the rapid dissemination of the results. From the receipt of the manuscript on the review platform, the period of admission or refusal shall be 30 days, with a maximum of 120 days from the beginning of the scientific examination by the experts.
Tantak Magazine is consistent with the ethical standards of the COPE Consortium on Publication Ethics described at http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct.
Privacy Policy
The identity of the author/authors who send an evaluation manuscript shall be retained by the publishing group, which undertakes not to communicate it if the article is rejected while it is published.
As long as the manuscripts are in the process of being reviewed/evaluated, the agents involved in the process will not use it, if any, until it is published.
The works rejected for publication will be archived in the history of Tantak's manuscripts, and none of that publications will use it under any circumstances.
The names, e-mail addresses and other proprietary data included in Tantak shall be used only for the purposes indicated in this Journal and shall not be available for any other purpose or for any other person.
Archival Protection Policy
TANTAK's work is preserved in the open source system for the management and publication of academic journals in the Open Journal Sistem (OJS) network developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).

He also uses a number of deposits where the publication is stored: Dialnet, Redined.