Trantsizioa eskola txikietatik bigarren hezkuntzara. Aldagai lagungarrien bila
This paper studies the process of transition to Secondary school of students of Primary rural schools. Rural schools share certain specific characteristics which have an impact on student learning, as well as on the transition process. The objective of this study is to identify what might be the key variables that help or hinder the transition. To this end a research has conducted based on two case studies in two rural schools located in Gipuzkoa. Data was collected through 68 hours of classroom observation, the activity analysis of primary grade 6 and secondary grade 1 students´notebooks, 16 focus groups with students from 6 grade of Primary education and 1st grade of Secondary education, and his family and teachers belonging to these two Primary rural schools and two secondary schools. The results indicate that there are some key factors that facilitate this transition process such as pedagogical coordination, social relationships with peers, family strategies, synergies with the surroundings, the prior academic preparation, common elements shared between the primary and secondary schools and tutoring activities.