Haurren arretaren eta ongizatearen sustatzea biofeedback bidezko esku-hartze programa bat erabiliz



Published 2019-03-08
Aitor Aritzeta Goretti Soroa Ainara Aranberri



Currently, one of the research lines of special relevance is the one that seeks to know the influence of emotional regulation on the psychological development of children. Likewise, the studies focused on the biofeedback technique inform about its benefits on children's cognitive, emotional and social areas. Taking into account the above mentioned, an intervention program based on biofeedback
was designed and implemeted with the intention to improve the attentional levels and the emotional and behavioral regulation of girls and boys in Primary Education. In order to reach this goal, this work begins with a review of the scientific literature on this field. Moreover, an intervention program for emotional regulation based on Biofeedback was designed, implemented and evaluated. Finally, the results derived from this work are presented and some conclusions are drawn based on the
results observed.
KEYWORDS: childhood, emotional regulation, intervention, biofeedback.


Egun arreta berezia jasotzen ari den ikerketa-lerroa da haurren erregulazio emozionalak garapen psikologikoan izan dezakeen eraginarena. Gainera, biofeedback teknikaren inguruko ikerlanek aditzera eman dute biofeedbackak onurak izan ditzakela haurren arlo kognitiboan, emozionalean zein sozialean. Hobetu al daitezke Lehen Hezkuntzako neska-mutilen arreta maila, erregulazio emozionala eta portaera biofeedback bidezko esku-hartze programa bat erabiliz? Galdera honi erantzuna ematearren, gaiaren inguruan literatura zientifikoak eskaini dituen emaitza esanguratsuenak biltzetik hasiko gara. Bigarren zatian, ikerlan honetan diseinatu den esku-hartze programa aurkeztuko da, bai eta bere
ebaluazio sistema ere. Hirugarren zatian, berriz, lan honetatik eratorritako emaitzak azalduko dira. Azkenik, ikerlan honetatik ateratako ondorio batzuk aurkeztuko dira.
GAKO-HITZAK: haurtzaroa, erregulazio emozionala, esku-hartzea, biofeedbacka.

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