High school students' and teachers' perception and attitude toward enviromental negative impact
The objectives of the present study were to know the perception and knowledge of students and teachers of a school of Vitoria-Gasteiz, about the environmental impact produced by their actions in an excursion carried out in the natural environment, to know the relationship between the importance of physical activities (PA) in the natural environment in their lives and the respect they have towards the environment. The sample of this study was composed of 29 students of 1st Bachelor who had completed Secondary Education and 3 teachers, all of them members of the same school. For the collection of data, 3 instruments were used: two questionnaires that had to be completed once the crossing was completed and a sample of photographs taken during the excursion. Through the results obtained in this investigation, we can conclude that the students have a perception of respect towards the environment, observing that the perception group is emphasized in those students who perceive that PA in the natural environment is important. In addition, a general lack of identification of the environmental impacts caused by crossings in the mountain among all participants has been noted. Therefore, we can conclude that there are significant gaps in environmental education received during school age in physical education, since there is a lack of knowledge about the measures to reduce the environmental impacts produced by PA carried out in the natural environment.