Bigarren hezkuntzatik unibertsitatera: beharrezko informazioa



Published 2011-06-28
Marta Barandiaran Galdos Miren Barrenetxea Ayesta Antonio Cardona Rodríguez Ana María Martín Arroyuelos Juan José Mijangos del Campo Jon Olaskoaga Larrauri


This article contains an evaluation of the communication policies used by Spanish universities when approaching secondary schools to help students make the jump from school to university. The original information has been obtained by means of two data collection tools, firstly, a survey sent to guidance agents from a sample of schools preparing students to go up to university and a second complementary tool based on personal interviews with guidance counsellors or heads of study in a second sample of schools. The research brings us to the conclusion that although the universities make a considerable effort to send information to secondary schools, the guidance counsellors do not really rate the usefulness of the information they receive. We consider that the universities' current design processes for new courses offer a great opportunity to rethink the information policy aimed at secondary schools and focus on aspects that the schools consider to be more relevant to be able to use them as a guidance tool.

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