Preparing EHU degree of pedagogy for diverse occupations: an analysis of the satisfaction and opinion of the students and the perception of the faculty



Published 2021-02-06
Jon Altuna
Alba Madinabeitia
Inazio Marko
Ana Aierbe
Esther Cruz


The spaces that the profession of the Pedagogue has occupied over the years in society has been changing, complicating the identification of his field of work. For this reason, it is up to the pedagogy of the twenty- first century to make the transition to go one step beyond the traditional vision of work in formal education towards the challenge of defining and guiding its fields of work. The main objective of this article is to analyze the extent to which the degree of Pedagogy of the University of the Basque Country prepares more or less for professional out- ings in a coherent way according to the opinion of the students and the faculty. descriptive and exploratory research has been carried out on the needs of the students. In particular, the analysis and comparison of the opinion that both teachers and students have on the preparation of students for the different professional outings identified. The results show that the assessment of students on preparation for the professional fields is lower than that perceived by teach- ers. For both groups the training received is mainly aimed at the field of «Research and Education» with the other two areas of «Society and Culture» and «Training and Enterprise» that are less represented or worked.

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pedagogy, higher education, education professionals, students, faculty
