Familia ereduak gaurko eskolan



Published 2011-06-28
Lucía Aguado Iribarren


The revised bibliograghy on inclusive schools leads us to consider interculturality and the physical and intelectual diversity as bases of living together and learning. But on few ocassions, the different models of family are studied as a diversity factor which should be taken into consideration. The intention of the article is to make us to reflect on the transformations that have taken place in the family relations and structures, and their importance in the school environment. The social changes that have taken place in the last decades in Spain, related to the size and configuration of homes, the roles played by different family members, the new values and functions of the family, the legislative transformations and the contribution of the welfare state, have brought about the proliferation of the diversity of family models (monoparental family, adoptive family, homoparental family, reconstituted family, etc.). The school, as an essential education environment, needs to know and respond to the new needs of these families, starting from the basic attitude of respect and proposing concrete education measures of curricular, reflective and formative character, but, above all, creating a common education project with the diversity of the existing family structures.

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