Terminologiaren datu base bat hizkuntzaren didaktikarako



Published 2011-09-12
Kepa Larrea Maite Monasterio Mikel Zabala


This piece of work is in line with the project approved by the UPV (NUPV07/02: "Creation of a database regarding to lexical didactics in the language") and through it we have intended to integrate terminology used in the teaching of the language. To this purpose, definitions of the selected terms, the synonymous, bibliographic references and equivalence in other languages, have been collected. In the research work some problems brought about by the scientific terminology in basque language have arisen: confusion in the meaning of words, linguistic interferences, incorrect use of terminology, and different acceptance of terms. In conclusion, in the language didactics, just like in other fields of the scientific language, the lack of standardization and homologation of the used terms, makes difficult the teaching of the language.

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