Gizarte hezitzaileen praktika profesionalaren testuinguru instituzionala
Neglected Children is a very complex and fast developing area of professional undertaking, due to the new social realities which are emerging and, as a consequence, the new problems which professionals have to face in the attention to the underaged. Social educators have had to devise an answer to the the new reality, and they have developed a rich professional practice which has not been taken into consideration by the educational research in the area. To come to terms with the facts underlying that reality- we have been forced to go into a careful anlaysis of the educational and social context in which that practice is taking place. That should be described as a very complex —and complicated— scheme of administrative dependencies, the intervening of social agents, the professional action, and the varied typologies which are exhibiting the subjects of the interaction. In this paper we go into a comparative study of infancy protection in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. This analysis constitutes a significative part of a major study carried out by a research group —academics, and educators in service— in the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU.