Donostiako Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoko ikasleen ahalmen espazialaren azterketa: neurria eta estrategiak



Published 2011-10-19
Iera Arrieta Kortajarena María Concepción Medrano Samaniego Modesto Arrieta Illarramendi


Given the importance spatial ability has in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics, this article aims to study the spatial ability of 161 students of the Polytechnic University of San Sebastian Graduate School. On the one hand, we have measured the spatial ability of the above mentioned students, and this data has been compared according to different variables. On the other hand, we have carried out interviews in order to classify the strategies used in the suggested tasks. This study has been based on the models of Carroll (on the subject of structure) and Burden and Coulson (regarding strategies). As for measurement, significant differences have been detected between students of public works and those majoring in chemistry, and also between technical architecture and chemistry students.

As for strategies, the visual partial strategy has been used most. Moreover, it seems that there are significant differences between the number of different strategies used and the level of spatial ability. That is, the fewer the strategies used by a student, the higher the score got on the tests on spatial ability.
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