Hezkuntza-eskubidearen eremuko Europa mailako azterketa erkatua



Published 2011-10-19
Paulí Dávila Balsera Luis M.ª Naya Garmendia Iñaki Zabaleta Imaz


Amongst the general bibliography devoted to the study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), dealing with its contents, its fundamental principles and, above all, its application can be —and in fact is— undertaken from many different perspectives. Amongst all these, our own contribution focuses on the principles underlying the Convention, these forming one of the main pillars around which this treaty has acquired its very meaning and which guide many of policies deriving from the acceptation of the Convention by the majority of member States. This is so because the Agreement is in the tradition of this type of international treaty and also because its educational value is unquestionable. Effectively, this paper presents, first and foremost, an analysis of the educational implications of the CRC, based on those Articles directly related to education (Articles 17, 19, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 39 and 40) and wherein, in an explicit manner, we can appreciate obligations or proposals of an educational nature. Following on from this, in the second part of the paper, we analyse the implementation of the said Articles, and it's relation with the right to education, in the majority of European countries, given that we believe there to be differences in this context. In order to carry out the task, we have used the final reports of the Committee for the Rights of the Child as primary sources, as these, with their increasing homogenisation, facilitate comparative studies.

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