Hezkuntzari soziologiatik begira



Published 2011-10-19
Jose Inazio Imaz Bengoetxea


In the last few decades, education sociology has made interesting contributions which we can use to understand the educational world better. In order to explain what education comprises nowadays, it is necessary to learn about these contributions: Education and sociology by Émile Durkheim (published in 1922) is considered to be the inaugural work of the discipline; the theory of human capital and the functionalist approaches; reproduction and correspondence theories; resistance theories … As far as the Basque Country is concerned, it could be said that this is a speciality which has not been looked at in too great a depth, whilst in the rest of western society it has become one of the strongest branches of sociology. The article explains the importance of this knowledge area (because as Durkheim said, we cannot forget the social character of education) and reviews the more relevant research, dedicating a section to analysing what Basque sociologists have said about education.

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