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Published 2011-10-19
Iñaki Pikabea eta beste


The article presented below describes part of a research project tackling the perception of acquiring bilingualism and how this relates to students' attitudes and motivation towards bilingualism and languages in particular, including Basque, Spanish and foreign languages. For the global research, empirical work has been carried out with students from different education centres and different linguistic models in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian in the Basque Country Region. 17 schools were selected altogether. In the research project as a whole, data has been collected and analysed from 441 students from 4th year ESO (15-16 year olds). This presentation is limited to the qualitative part of this research which summarises and analyses the most significant testimonies from various young people.

Abstract 128 | PDF (Español) Downloads 107 PDF (Euskara) Downloads 145

