Jauzika hiru urterekin: Haur portaera psikomotorearen behaketa
The objective of this research is to evaluate a jumping activity for a natural school group of 15 children aged between two and four years old within the context of Aucouturier's Psychomotor Practice. The theoretical perspective adopted was the psycho-genetic and dialectic theory proposed by Henri Wallon (1879-1962). According to this, jumping is a natural automatism regulated by the functional equilibrium apparatus which is learnt in early childhood. Observational methodology was used. The design is nomothetic, monitoring and multidimensional, and the observation instrument is the field format «jumping in psychomotor skills during the third year of life». From the results, obtained by prospective application of sequential delay analysis, we can emphasis the results relating to the automatism in terms of the learning process and its content, handling and final command of the height, thanks to which we come to understand the basic types of jump, their characteristics and evolution.