Euskal ikusteko era ez ezik, koloreen artean ere badago bazterreraturik
Txema Preciado Saez de Ocariz
The Basque-speaking community's use of the chromatic world is noteworthy for its tendency towards using non Basque references, as can be shown in the abundance of borrowed chromatic terms. The fact that this trend continues to grow only serves to relegate Basque's own terms because the less they are used, the more forgotten they remain.
Without forgetting the socio-economic changes which condition our cultural future, this article, as well as exposing this preponderance of non-Basque terms, thereby reviews other terms which, even though they are Basque and refer to colour, tend to be abandoned, if not forgotten by the Basque speaking community. Given their amplitude, this article will be complemented by a further article offering an overall reflection on how this should be dealt with in the world of teaching.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##