Hego Euskal Herriko eskola-liburutegien erabilera, kudeaketa eta funtzionamendua
O. Jimenez Arrieta
J. F. Lukas Mujika
K. Santiago Etxeberria
This study aims to explore the real situation in school libraries in Navarre and the Basque Country. In order to do this a series of questionnaires were sent to headmasters, librarians, teachers and students in different school centres covering both Primary and Secondary Education. Data collection was completed by interviewing some headmasters and school librarians and with in situ observation of the real situation of the libraries. Specifically, the three aspects which were analysed in this article have been the use, management and functioning of school libraries. The results obtained have shown up some strong points and particularly the deficiencies which exist in the aforementioned aspects.