Kultura arteko komunikazio gaitasuna: emozioen pertzepzioa hizkuntza etorkinetan



Published 2012-02-17
Urtza Garay Aintzane Etxebarria Iñaki Gaminde Kepa Larrea Asier Romero


At present several languages that we are unable to understand exist among us, which accentuates the importance that intercultural communicative competence is acquiring. We consider that inside this general competence it is necessary to develop the ability to perceive emotions. But, which differences do exist between the expressions of emotions in the different languages? Are we capable of perceiving the emotions in spite of not understanding the languages? Even more, is it possible to learn to perceive the emotions expressed in different languages? By means of the present work we will try to give response to these three questions, and to that end, beside carrying out an acoustic analysis among several languages, we have examined the samples obtained from several bilingual speakers in order to know if they are able to distinguish the emotions by means of perception tests.

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