Unibertsitateko ikasleen gaitasun komunikatiboa lantzen: taldekako eztabaidak ikasgelan



Published 2012-02-17
Edu Zelaieta Anta


This change environment which the University of the Basque Country is living in, we want to report some process by this paper. For example, Development of Communicative Competence subject that we have been teaching for first time is as a result of one these processes. However, although this subject is new, we haven't started from zero: we have been going to make use of the tradition previously was in Didactics of Language and we have known in this University College of Teacher Training of Vitoria-Gasteiz until now, so that bridges between the past and the future will been well built. In that sense, we want to claim that discourse genres had been developed many times in our classrooms and language had been measured by communicative parameters. Therefore, when new grades are been establishing, we have tried to give another step: to work on language by communicative competence and academic discourse genres, systematically. Because of that, we want to talk about group discussions in the university classroom, an academic genre which students will have to improve in the future; so that our students defense appropriately what they think and argue what they feel in their academic and professional way.

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