Diziplinarteko lanaren esperientzia Gasteizko Irakasleen Unibertsitate Eskolan: irakaslearen lanbidea



Published 2012-02-17
Igor Camino Ortiz de Barrón M.ª Teresa Vizcarra Morales Pilar Aristizabal Llorente Jose Domingo Villarroel Villamor


The creation of the European Higher Education, the so-called Bologna Accords, has brought plenty of changes in term of methodology and evaluation. At the time of the presentation of this work, The University College of Teacher Training in Vitoria is in the early stages of the implementation this process. This paper is precisely related to this context in which the new structure of studies is being launched at The University College of Teacher Training in Vitoria and more specifically, to the first interdisciplinary work which has been carried out during this start-up process. In this report the most significant aspects of this initial work are presented, bearing in mind not only the positive points of the work done but also those features with room for improvement. The authors, who are members of the academic board of the college, account for this reflection because they consider it as the necessary frame to face future challenges and the design of the next interdisciplinary subjects for the following terms and courses. Taking into consideration the importance of the collaborative work in the achievement of the objectives planned, the academic board is launching a coordination commission who will be in charge of, on the one hand, the monitoring of the interdisciplinary activity and, on the other hand, the coordination among educational staff in the College.

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