Gurasoen prestakuntza, familia, eskola eta Komunitatearen arteko harremanen esparruan



Published 2012-02-21
J.M. Maganto Mateo I. Bartau Rojas


The training of parents constitutes a strategy which in itself can promote the collaboration between the family, the school and the community but whose efficacy and effectiveness depend on the level of coordination and consensus between the social, political and educational institutions. In this sense, although there has been an advance in the development of interest in working together, the reality is that these actions are specific and, on occasions, the fruit of the will or initiative of those who make them possible. In this article we consider the training of parents, in the first place reviewing the concept and the characteristics of the training programmes for parents such as the principles on which they are based. Secondly, some of the subjects of investigation which are currently being developed about this topic are put together and the main subjects pending, that we consider will be awaiting response in the future from the family and the educational and social institutions, are pointed out.


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