Testuliburuetako edukiaren eta itxuraren garapena: Anaya, Edebé eta Santillana argitaletxeak adibide



Published 2011-10-19
Begoña Bilbao Gurutze Ezkurdia Karmele Perez


In this work, we have analyzed the publishing houses Anaya, Santillana and Edebé, very used in the schools of the Basque Country. We have compared the textbooks they have published from 1989, so as to observe the exact changes, of layout or content, they have had up to our days. On average, each page shows two icons. They are small, most of them smaller than the quarter part of the page. They are usually placed on the right side of the page, probably as a strategy. Most of textbooks' contents are related to the State. Socio-cultural contents, the ones related to the Basque Country, have disappeared from the textbooks that we have analyzed. The data shows that textbooks' contents have become more related to the State, while the importance of the reality nearby is left aside. The contents teaches at school are not familiar to the students, as they are not connected with their natural, social and cultural context.

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