Some cognitive "whys" of semiotic analysis: An approach to convergences between Semiotics and Cognitive Psychology



Published 26-12-2013
Óliver Pérez Latorre


In order to better understand semiotic analysis, it is becoming increasingly important to take its connections with cognitive psychology into account. If semiotic analysis of discourse is a method which has been conceived in order to understand the way the "average reader" understands a text, the advances in cognitive sciences offer us an invaluable opportunity to further reflect upon its main procedures.

Given this context, this paper proposes a re-reading of semiotic discourse analysis, attempting to understand it as a method of discourse analysis characterized by the reproduction of everyday cognitive mechanisms of the "average reader" by the analyst, such as the use of pre-structurant schemes, "chunking", or memorization and de-memorization processes.

How to Cite

Pérez Latorre, Óliver. (2013). Some cognitive "whys" of semiotic analysis: An approach to convergences between Semiotics and Cognitive Psychology. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 17(33).
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