News Frame: A Bridging Concept between Psychology, Sociology and Linguistics



Published 26-12-2013
Jurate Miceviciute


In the Mass Media Theory, the concept of frame brings together other three fields: the Psychology, the Sociology and the Linguistics. Most empirical studies of news frames adopt their conceptual instruments and methodology from some of these fields. However, this interdisciplinary cross-fertilization is obstructed by the lack of an integrated theoretical approach. Here we present some connections of the term 'frame' with terms designing interpretive patterns in aforementioned three fields: advocate frame, schemata, and theme. This synthesis allows us to formulate a hypothesis on the existence of an independent news frame, originated in the field of Journalism.

How to Cite

Miceviciute, J. (2013). News Frame: A Bridging Concept between Psychology, Sociology and Linguistics. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 18(35).
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