Spanish Television Genre Offer at The End of The Analogue Era



Published 26-12-2013
Edorta Arana


By April 2010 the analogue television signal in Spain was switched off and that marked the end of a five decade television system. This article will make a recapitulation of that analogue TV program offer and put the basis for future researches that compare the programming paterns of both television eras.

This analysis, covering the period between 1995 and 2010, will serve to know more in depth the genre offer of the analogue television final years. In fact, to a large extent, the program offer is one of the key elements to explain the very existence of the medium and its social role.

We have studied the 24 different TV channels transmitting for the whole country and for the autonomous communities with local TV stations and list the differences and similarities in the way they build their offer. In doing so we have based our reflections on the data provided by Kantar Media and its yearly publications.

How to Cite

Arana, E. (2013). Spanish Television Genre Offer at The End of The Analogue Era. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 18(35).
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