Pragmatics of misinformation. A study of the Prism leak through the reactions of the governments of the United States, Germany and Venezuela
Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez
Manuel López-Muñoz
This paper will present the most common disinformation techniques that are evident in the leak of the NSA Prism project and their immediate reactions from the governments of the United States, Germany and Venezuela. To accomplish this goal has been carried out qualitative interpretive analysis based on the speech of the leaders of the three countries in reference to the information collected through digital media, by locating specialized sieve test methods and sources random selection constructed week methodology. The results show the use of at least 11 stratagems of disinformation.
How to Cite
Romero-Rodríguez, L. M., & López-Muñoz, M. (2015). Pragmatics of misinformation. A study of the Prism leak through the reactions of the governments of the United States, Germany and Venezuela. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(39).
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BELLOVIN, Steven M. et al. (2008). Risking Communications Security: Potential Hazards of the Protect America Act. En: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Journal of Security and Privacy, 6 (1), p. 24-32.
BERGER, Peter .L; LUCKMANN, Thomas (2003). La construcción social de la realidad. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
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GILOVICH, Thomas (1993). How We Know Whats Isn´t So. New York: The Free Press.
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GRIJELMO, Alex (2000). La seducción de las palabras. Madrid: Taurus.
HINDMAN, Matthew (2013). Personalization and the future of news. Working Paper. Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute, Florence. [] (07/11/2015).
KARPF, David; et al (2015). The Role of Qualitative Methods in Political Communication Research: Past, Present, and Future. En: International Journal of Communication, v. 9, p. 1888-1906.
LEE, Karen V (2006). A fugue about grief. En: Qualitative Inquiry, 12 (6), p. 66-80. (doi:
MORAL-SANTAELLA, Cristina (2015). Estrategias para resistir a la crisis de confianza en la investigación cualitativa actual. Educación XXI, 19 (1), 1-24. (DOI:
PREIBUSCH, Sören (2015). Privacy behaviors after Snowden. Communications of the ACM, 58(5), 48-55. (DOI:
RICHARDSON, Laurel; ADAMS-ST.PIERRE, Elizabeth (2000). Writing: A method of inquiry. En: DENZIN, Norman K; LINCOLN, Yvonna S (eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research, p. 923-943. London: Sage.
ROMERO-RODRÍGUEZ, Luis M (2013). Hacia un estado de la cuestión de las investigaciones sobre desinformación / misinformación. Correspondencias & Análisis, 3, p. 319-342.
ROMERO-RODRÍGUEZ, Luis M (2015). Pragmática de la desinformación: Estratagemas e incidencia de la calidad informativa de los medios. Tesis Doctoral. Repositorio Arias Montano, Universidad de Huelva.
TOUKOUMIDIS, Ángel (2015). Estereotipos, tópicos y lenguaje de la programación sensacionalista en la televisión: Programa «Corazón» de TVE. Alteridad, 10,1, 31-43. (DOI:
SAINI, Michael; SHLONSKY, Aron (2012). Systematic synthesis of qualitative research. New York: Oxford University Press.
SEARLE, John (1997). La construcción de la realidad social. Barcelona: Paidós.
STEMPEL, Guido (1989). Content Analysis. En: WESTLEY J.W; STEMPEL, Guido, Research Methods in Mass Communications, p. 240-248. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
TUROW, Joseph (2011). The daily you: How the new advertising industry is defining your identity and your world. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
WATZLAWICK, Paul (2003). ¿Es real la realidad?. Barcelona: Herder.
WOLFE, Tom (2011). La Izquierda Exquisita & Maumauando al Parachoques. Madrid: Anagrama.
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