Mike Leigh´s method to build up a filmic narrative and cinema style: reflection of an ethic and aesthethic conception of the world
Laura Cortés-Selva
María Mercedes Carmona-Martínez
British Mike Leigh´s ethic and aesthetic conception of the world influences his films in a way that they become different from those included in northamerican mainstream cinema, specially in his method and style. The main objective of this research is focused upon analyzing Leigh´s mentioned conception through his method and some of the most important elements conforming his cinema style. To that end, a qualitative and a quantitative methodology that mixes the analysis of the main bibliographical sources about Mike Leigh and a quantitative anaysis of the most important elements conforming his cinema style of his more international acclaimed films, has been conducted.
How to Cite
Cortés-Selva, L., & Carmona-Martínez, M. M. (2016). Mike Leigh´s method to build up a filmic narrative and cinema style: reflection of an ethic and aesthethic conception of the world. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 21(40). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.16414
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CORTÉS-SELVA, Laura y CARMONA-MARTÍNEZ, Mercedes (2014). Propuesta metodológica para el análisis del estilo visual de los filmes: un acercamiento empírico. En: UBIERNA, Francisco; SIERRA, Javier (coord.). Miscelánea sobre el entorno audiovisual en 2014. Madrid: Fragua.
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COVENEY, Michael (1996). The world according to Mike Leigh. London: Harper-Collins.
IRVINE, Ian K.(2008). But what I really want to do is write : adapting the Mike Leigh Method for writers for the stage. Masters by Research thesis: Queensland University of Technology.
LEIGH, Mike (2002). All or nothing. London: Faber and Faber.
––(1999). Topsy-Turvy. London: Faber and Faber.
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––(1997b). Career girls. London: Faber and Faber.
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MOVSHOVITZ, Howie (ed.) (2000). Mike Leigh interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
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BORDWELL, David (2006). The way Hollywood tells it. Berkeley and London: University of California Press.
CARDULLO, Bert (2010). Loach and Leigh, Ltd.: The Cinema of Social Conscience. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
CARNEY, Ray (2000). The films of Mike Leigh. Embracing the world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CLEMENTS, Paul (1983). The improvised play: The work of Mike Leigh. London: Methuen.
CORTÉS-SELVA, Laura y CARMONA-MARTÍNEZ, Mercedes (2014). Propuesta metodológica para el análisis del estilo visual de los filmes: un acercamiento empírico. En: UBIERNA, Francisco; SIERRA, Javier (coord.). Miscelánea sobre el entorno audiovisual en 2014. Madrid: Fragua.
––(2013). El sello del estilo visual de Dick Pope y Mike Leigh: análisis de su obra cinematográfica. En: Historia y Comunicación Social, vol. 18, Nº Esp. Octubre, pp. 491-501.
COVENEY, Michael (1996). The world according to Mike Leigh. London: Harper-Collins.
IRVINE, Ian K.(2008). But what I really want to do is write : adapting the Mike Leigh Method for writers for the stage. Masters by Research thesis: Queensland University of Technology.
LEIGH, Mike (2002). All or nothing. London: Faber and Faber.
––(1999). Topsy-Turvy. London: Faber and Faber.
––(1997a). Secrets and lies. London: Faber and Faber.
––(1997b). Career girls. London: Faber and Faber.
––(1995). Naked and other screenplays. London: Faber and Faber.
MOVSHOVITZ, Howie (ed.) (2000). Mike Leigh interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
O´SULLIVAN, Sean (2011). Mike Leigh. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
RAPHAEL, Amy (ed.) (2008). Mike Leigh on Mike Leigh. New York: Faber & Faber.
SALT, Barry (2006). Moving into pictures. London: Starword.
WATSON, Garry (2004). The cinema of Mike Leigh: A sense of the real. London: Wallflower press.
WHITEHEAD, Tony (2007). Mike Leigh. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
(c) UPV/EHU Press