What do digital prayer media users seek? Uses and gratifications analysis of Rezandovoy



Published 12-06-2017
Xabier Riezu


This article aims to make a contribution to our understanding of religion in digital media by means of a case study carried out from the uses and gratifications perspective. Rezandovoy is a digital prayer service used by thousands of Spanish-speakers from around the world daily. Employing diverse qualitative and quantitative research techniques this work studies the motivations that lie behind the use of this service. The results of a questionnaire that received 5.391 valid replies show that, although spiritual gratifications are valued the most, prayer webs and apps also fulfil identity and social functions as well as offering some typical gratifications that people seek from digital devices.

How to Cite

Riezu, X. (2017). What do digital prayer media users seek? Uses and gratifications analysis of Rezandovoy. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(42). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.17820
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