The audiovisual regulation in the Inter-American Human Rights System and the challenges of the digitalization



Published 17-05-2018
Fernando Krakowiak


The article analyses the recommendations of the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) for the regulation of the ownership concentration in broadcasting and the regulatory model these recommendations refer to. The hypothesis is that within the IAHRS prevails an interventionist conception that justifies the protection of freedom of speech not only from the individual dimension, but also from the social one. Such conception allows to defend the making of norms aimed at preventing from the part of the State the concentration of the market in order to ensure pluralism and diversity. Besides, it is also analysed the challenges posed by the new process of digitalization to such regulations.

How to Cite

Krakowiak, F. (2018). The audiovisual regulation in the Inter-American Human Rights System and the challenges of the digitalization. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 23(44).
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