Semiotics of intertemporality in videoludic media. Proposal of an analysis matrix



Published 30-11-2018
Cristian Felipe Parra


Most of ludo-narrative video games involve temporal relationships between narrative elements of different nature, mainly hypertextual and cybertextual elements (self-generated narratives by a virtual reality simulator).
These relationships have a rhythm that marks the development of video videoludic discourse in the narrative universe. From the identification of the
constituent elements of this intertemporal rhythm, the present work proposes
a typology of relationships that can serve as a matrix for the analysis of the
videoludic story insofar as it allows to describe with more precision the  temporal configuration of this particular type of narratives.

KEYWORDS: Narrative, hyper-textuality,


How to Cite

Parra, C. F. (2018). Semiotics of intertemporality in videoludic media. Proposal of an analysis matrix. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 23(45).
Abstract 531 | PDF (Español) Downloads 455


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