Political consumption of fashion: Buycott and slow fashion in Instagram



Published 25-06-2019
Elena Bellido-Pérez


The consumer's environmental consciousness is gaining a more prominent role in the market, so many companies have been founded or modified according to ecological values, as those that support the slow fashion movement, opposite to the industrialized fashion. These companies get a buycott as a reward: an activist consumption based on the firm's philosophy. Since the buycott finds a thriving area of expansion in social media sites through a statement of intentions, the aim of the current study is to analyse the convergence between these two movements in Instagram, a key platform for fashion influencers.

How to Cite

Bellido-Pérez, E. (2019). Political consumption of fashion: Buycott and slow fashion in Instagram. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 24(46). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.20551
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