Local television or proximity television? The impact of cultural proximity on television studies in the digital era
Aida Martori
The term local television has traditionally been used to refer to providers who report on what happens in a municipality or city. However, this article aims to open a dialogue about the term proximity television that, based on theories of cultural proximity, is considered a broader and more precise concept to refer to an increasingly heterogeneous phenomenon. Thus, it allows to refer to a diverse reality of providers ranging from hyperlocal media, which can be televisions in a neighborhood of a city, to supramunicipal or even regional televisions.
KEYWORDS: Proximity television; local television; cultural proximity; representation; local identity.
KEYWORDS: Proximity television; local television; cultural proximity; representation; local identity.
How to Cite
Martori, A. (2019). Local television or proximity television? The impact of cultural proximity on television studies in the digital era. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 24(47). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.21073
(c) UPV/EHU Press