Local television or proximity television? The impact of cultural proximity on television studies in the digital era



Published 30-10-2019
Aida Martori


The term local television has traditionally been used to refer to providers who report on what happens in a municipality or city. However, this article aims to open a dialogue about the term proximity television that, based on theories of cultural proximity, is considered a broader and more precise concept to refer to an increasingly heterogeneous phenomenon. Thus, it allows to refer to a diverse reality of providers ranging from hyperlocal media, which can be televisions in a neighborhood of a city, to supramunicipal or even regional televisions.
KEYWORDS: Proximity television; local television; cultural proximity; representation; local identity.

How to Cite

Martori, A. (2019). Local television or proximity television? The impact of cultural proximity on television studies in the digital era. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 24(47). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.21073
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