Coca-Cola Life’s bet as an iconic brand: A cultural branding perspective
Pablo Matus
Enrique Vergara
In 2013, Coca-Cola Life was introduced to the Chilean market. It is a carbonated beverage whose main characteristic is the use of stevia as a sweetener, which meant that it have fewer calories and a more natural composition than regular Coke. However, and despite the boom in green consumption—more attentive to the ecological and sanitary attributes of products— two years after its launch, low sales led to its withdrawal from the market... a situation that the product has lived in other latitudes. From a cultural branding approach, this study describes the discursive keys of the Coca-Cola Life brand to discover why it failed to connect with consumers, despite having the attributes to be considered an ‘iconic brand.’ The results show that the campaigns on Twitter in Chile (140 ads, between 2013 and 2015) superficially represented environmental issues and interests.
How to Cite
Cultural branding, green advertising, Twitter, Coca-Cola, environment.
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