Special effects «made in Spain». An analysis on film trickery in Emilio Ruiz del Río



Published 30-11-2021
Darío Lanza Vidal


Emilio Ruiz del Río is the Spanish effects artist with greater international recognition. Known as «the wizard» due his wide range of resources, he has stood out mainly because of the quality of his paintings on glass, his miniatures and his forced perspective scenarios. This work seeks to deepen his work through a research on the mechanisms implicit in the particular process of iconization that is activated in his creations and that sustain the effectiveness of his tricks, reflect on the reality or unreality in the trick image, as well as highlighting his particular approach to the cinematographic trickery, rigorously articulated around profilmic manipulation.

How to Cite

Lanza Vidal, D. (2021). Special effects «made in Spain». An analysis on film trickery in Emilio Ruiz del Río. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 26(51). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.22527
Abstract 330 | pdf (Español) Downloads 414



Cinema, Special effects, Cinema history, cinematographic tricks

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