Narrative of the trans protagonists in the TV series Veneno



Published 01-12-2021
Sergio Cobo Durán Sofía Otero Escudero


The present work scrutinizes the construction of the trans protagonists in the TV series Veneno (2020). First, a semiotic analysis of the characters and their environment is carried out, centered on three levels (person, role, and actant). Second, an analysis sheet is outlined to apply it in each of the episodes. Finally, the main characteristics are observed through a study of some key scenes. This way, it is concluded how the TV series analyzed perpetuates a canonical construction of the trans collective except for certain positive aspects depicted through Valeria’s character.

How to Cite

Cobo Durán, S., & Otero Escudero, S. (2021). Narrative of the trans protagonists in the TV series Veneno. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 26(51). (Original work published November 30, 2021)
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TV Series, Trans, Characters, Narrative, Veneno

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