Representation of Populism in the traditional Spanish press
The projection and relevance of the phenomenon of populism in the last decade has caused the traditional press to be left out of the communication strategy established by populist politicians through social networks, mainly. The objective of this article is to investigate the role played by the two most important newspapers in Spain in the treatment of the terms "populism" and "populist" in their daily information. The sample is made up of 1,832 news and articles from El País and El Mundo during the years 2019 and 2020, in which an analysis of the path of these two words is carried out based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study reveals the negative connotations of the terms applied to political parties and their leaders, especially Vox and Podemos, although most of the information analyzed tends to speak of populism/populist as an idea, ideology or sociological phenomenon.
How to Cite
populism, populist, Spanish press, political parties, political leaders, ideology
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